Special Interest Clubs

Club NameContact TeacherContact emailWhen/Where, etc
Accounting Club (preparing for CPABC Coin Competition)Patricia DaniellsemailFridays at lunch, Room 112 January thru April
Cricut ClubKate ThompsonemailThursdays at Lunch in Room 110
Curling ClubScott CampbellemailAs announced (listen to the morning announcements)On hold due to staff leave
Debate and Model UN ClubScott CampbellemailFridays at lunch, room 212BOn hold due to staff leave
Dungeons and Dragons (D & D) ClubKate ThompsonemailThursdays at Lunch in room 110
"Fully Booked" The Reynolds Student Book ClubRachelle Tyrell (Teacher/Librarian)emailAs announed (listen to the morning announcements)Starts in November!!!
Garden ClubAnnalee Tyler
Marc Vermette
Roy Vizer
Thursdays after school
Golf ClubJeff LoukesemailFridays after school in April/May - listen for announcements
Leadership Class/ClubAnnalee Tyler
Chris Mcdonald
Gr. 10-12 Tuesdays at lunch room 32

Grade 9- Thursdays at lunch room 32
Minority Empowerment ClubAlecia JonesemailThursdays at lunch in room 215Everyone welcome!
Mountain Bike ClubGeoff CliffordemailAs announced (listen to the morning announcements)
Music CouncilJamie DavisemailMondays at Lunch in the Bandroom
Outdoor ClubScott Campbell
Julien Turcotte
As announced (listen to the morning announcements)On hold due to staff leave
Pride ClubDanielle Bolton
Laurel Brach-Richey
Thursdays at Lunch in Room 208Everyone Welcome!
Principal's AdvisoryAaron NorrisemailMondays at lunch in room 202
Quadra and Lochside Walker's Alliance (QLWA)Chris AtkinsemailDailyFor students walking home via Quadra St or Lochside Trail. Meet in FLEX hall after school and walk as a group.
Reynolds Classic Literature ClubIan BushemailTuesdays @ Lunch in Annex D
Reynolds Reybots
(FIRST Robotics)
Kas Karim
Eric VanMoll
Room 34 Lunch and after school. Sept - June
RowingRoss GilbertemailMon/Wed/Fri after school Until first week of November
Yearbook ClubKyla BelvedereemailTuesdays and Wednesdays after school in room 111