Over the past few years, the English option of the Flexible Studies program has been creating strong community connections, some of which include
- Songhees First Nation
- District of Saanich
- Lifecycles Victoria
- Royal BC Museum
- Parliamentary Education Office of the BC Legislature
- BC Archives
- Food2School BC
- Pollinator Project Canada
- Saanich Native Plants
- Victoria Poetry Project
- Ocean Networks Canada
- O.U.R. Ecovillage
- University of Victoria Faculty of Education
- Shelbourne Community Kitchen
- CFUV 101.9 FM
- Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
- Natural Pod, and more!
These community connections provide opportunities for our students to pursue inquiries while also allowing them to learn from, in, and with our community, thus taking their learning from the classroom and placing it in situations where they are making a difference in the communities they live in. This has become an integral part to our program and our students’ learning. The amazing thing about these connections is that not only are our students learning, but our partners are using the experience of working with our students to learn from them and develop new programs geared toward youth and education based on our students’ input. It is with great excitement that our students share part of their learning publicly through presentations, school visits, art installations, and/or audio or video presentations. Below is just a sample of the work our Jr. English option Flex students have done.

The podcast below was the result of a partnership with CFUV 101.9 FM and the Songhees Nation and is what visitors listened to at the Royal BC Museum when they looked out at the exhibit one group of students created to amplify Sellemah’s story of growing up on Tl’ches (Chatham Island) and attending Kuper Island Residential School and Nanaimo Indianc Hospital.
This student produced video explored what one day of learning was like in Flex as we visited the Royal BC Museum. This video was submitted as part of the Ken Spencer Award application.
With the support of O.U.R. Ecovillage, these students made a series of videos demonstrating reskilling techniques in order to teach people to make their own food in a bid to help increase food security and sustainability in our region.