It is the responsibility of each student to attend all classes and to arrive promptly with appropriate materials.  If a student is to be absent for a legitimate reason a parent/guardian must advise the school.  We prefer notification by email at reynoldsattendance@sd61.bc.ca.  Teachers may request a note from home excusing the absence(s).

The homes of students with unexcused absences will be contacted daily by an automated system.  The period(s) that are unexcused will be identified.

If a student accumulates three unexcused absences over a two week period, the parent/guardian will be contacted directly by the school.  Absences are reported with each report card.  Students with chronic unexcused absences jeopardize their achievement and course completion.  Students with absences are expected to obtain and make up any missed class work, assignments, etc. Students with poor attendance may be ineligible to participate in athletics, attend school dances or other school activities at the discretion of administration.


Being on time to class is the responsibility of every Reynolds student.  All lates are recorded.  Students with chronic lateness jeopardize their success.  Students should bring a note from home to excuse any lates.  It is disrespectful to the teacher and to other students’ learning to be late.


Students are discouraged from scheduling appointments during school hours. However, students who must leave early are required to sign out at the office and to advise their teachers prior to the absence(s) in order to obtain missed work.  A note or phone call from a parent/guardian is required at the time of signing out.


Regular fire, earthquake and lockdown drills are undertaken and regarded as serious activities designed to acquaint the citizens of Reynolds with emergency procedures to minimize potential risks in the event of an emergency.


Students and staff will vacate the school quickly and quietly when the fire bell rings.  Evacuation routes direct individuals to the nearest exit and to assemble on the playing fields, in designated areas well away from the school.  Students are to move with their teacher and stay with their teacher in the designated gathering area. Re-entry to the school will occur after an all-clear is given by an administrator.  If the fire alarm rings at a time other than when classes are in session students are to leave via the nearest exit, move away from the school to a gathering area and await the instructions of an administrator.


Staff members will give the instruction to take cover.  Staff and students will take cover in a crouched position facing away from windows.  Once the shaking has stopped, count to 120 and evacuate the building through the nearest exit under the direction of staff.  Students will gather on the field in designated gathering areas to await further instructions.  No one should leave the area without the permission of an administrator.


All staff and students are under the direction of the administration until directed by the police. Staff and students will be given direction to enter the nearest classroom, lock and barricade doors, and duck and cover. Do not attempt to approach or intervene. Do not activate fire alarm. Do not move out of the school until directed.


Course change requests that are supported by a parent/guardian are considered, subject to space availability and program suitability, up to the end of the first week of a new semester.


There are four formal reporting periods during the school year as outlined in the Reynolds School Calendar.  Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled in October and March.  Many teachers email progress reports to students and parents regularly.


To earn Honour Roll status a student must achieve a grade point average of not less than 3.2 on a report card.  The grade point average will be calculated using all of the courses taken at Reynolds during that year.  A minimum of two courses must be taken.  Students who receive a letter grade of C-, I or F will be excluded from the Honour Roll for that term. The numerical equivalents are:  A = 4, B = 3, C+ = 2.5, C = 2, C- = 1.5.


CAREER CENTRE:  The Career Centre provides opportunities for students to investigate career, scholarship and post secondary information.  The Career Centre also provides support for students in the development of their Graduation Transition Portfolio and with their Planning course.


The Student Services Centre is just down the hall from the main office. Counselors will assist students with personal, social, and emotional issues as well as assist with student schedule issues, academic advising and post secondary planning.  If a student wishes to see a counselor they may email them directly or request an appointment through the main office.


The library is open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday – Thursday, and 8:15 am to 3:15 on Friday.  The library provides opportunities for students to access relevant knowledge and information as well as serving as a research portal.  It is also a quiet place to read and study.

MATH LOL (Currently unavailable due to COVID-19 restrictions)

Students who require extra instruction and support in Math 9–12 are encouraged to attend Math LOL which is offered daily at lunch time.


The Resource Room provides support for students who are designated, require testing or have individual educational plans and adapted programs.


Students are provided time with a French Immersion teacher to complete work or missed tests, receive individual instruction as well as extra support that is needed for them to be successful in their Immersion classes.


English Language Learner students who require extra support and time are provided with a place to work with the ELL teacher.


Students wishing to use a locker are charged a one-time rental of $7.00 upon entry to Reynolds.  Lockers are normally shared between 2 students and are distributed to those wanting them in September.  Students should not give out locker combinations to others and must keep the locker as assigned. Students should not keep valuables in lockers and are advised that the school is not responsible for lost or stolen articles.  Lockers are the property of the school and are subject to scrutiny by administrators at any time.


Items that are lost and found are turned in to the office or left in the entry foyer.  Students are encouraged to look after personal possessions. While all reasonable precautions are taken to safeguard personal property, the school cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items.  Students should never leave valuables in the PE changerooms. 


There is a Capital Regional District by-law and a school district policy that prohibits smoking or vaping on school property. The Reynolds community supports this ban and expects students to respect it.  In addition, students may not smoke or vape in the vicinity of our school.  The guideline to be used is that one cannot be seen from the school building nor can the building be seen.  Students are not to congregate on private property to smoke.  The Data Tech Property and any business property across the street is out of bounds during school hours.  Smoking on or near the grounds of Saanich Centre is prohibited.


Textbooks are the property of the school and must be returned at year-end in good condition.  There is a refundable deposit of $20.00.  Students pay this cost once upon entry to Reynolds at any grade level and are refunded when they leave the school.  


A yearbook that chronicles the activities and events of each school year is issued in late June.  Each year a limited number is ordered and once all are sold, no other copies can be purchased.  Buy early to avoid disappointment!  Purchase of a yearbook is optional.



Reynolds provides many opportunities for student involvement in clubs.  The choice of clubs varies from year to year and is determined by student interest and the availability of a staff sponsor.

Information on clubs is advertised on a regular basis.  If a group of students has a particular interest and do not have a sponsor they are encouraged to see an administrator who may be able to assist them.


Reynolds offers many teams committed to quality performance and good sportsmanship.  Information on school teams is advertised through the announcements and in advisory.  Reynolds fields teams in sports sanctioned by the Lower Vancouver Island Secondary School Athletic Association.  Game schedules are posted at:   http://www.lowerislandschoolsports.ca/

Teams include

  • Alpine Skiing & Snowboarding
  • Badminton
  • Basketball
  • Cross Country
  • Curling
  • Field Hockey
  • Golf
  • Mountain Biking
  • Rowing
  • Rugby
  • Soccer
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Track & Field
  • Volleyball
  • Wrestling


The majority of school and student activities are organized by our Student Leadership class. Students who belong to Student Leadership may chose to receive credit. More information can be obtained from the Student Leadership teachers.  Students are also invited to join Principal’s Advisory which meets Friday mornings; please see the Principal.  Everyone is welcome!


We take our R’s very seriously at Reynolds; not only Respect, Relationships and Responsibility, but Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Reclaim.   We are leading the district with our ZeRo Waste Program.  We Recycle foil-lined packaging, soft plastics, hard plastics, electronics, Styrofoam, bottles, cans, paper, cardboard, all organic waste too…you’ll be hard pressed to find something we don’t recycle!

Recycling is great but Reduce & Reuse are even better—think about litter-less lunches, reusable drink containers (we even have some cool ones you can purchase at the school) and cloth bags (NOT PLASTIC)!  We are also reclaiming natural space as we work on the Garry Oak area at the school front and create an urban garden oasis in the courtyard.

Being Green is where it’s at… Get R.E.A.L. — be a Reynolds Eco-Action Leader.

– See more at: https://reynolds.sd61.bc.ca/parent-info/faqs/#sthash.rxyArXJz.dpuf